пятница, 25 января 2013 г.

Redis: SET vs MSET; Sharding: twemproxy vs RedisSharding

It's logical that one MSET command with multiple keys is faster than multiple SET commands. The question is: how much faster when using real clients? What is more rational for the data sharding? twemproxy or RedisSharding? The first one is very fast, the second one supports MSET, MGET commands properly.

Let's take these clients: http://search.cpan.org/~melo/Redis-1.955 (Simple client) and http://search.cpan.org/~dgl/AnyEvent-Redis-0.24 (Event client).

"No Mutly Keys" test was run SET command for 10 keys, then GET for this keys, and then DEL.
"Yes Mutly Keys" test was run MSET with 10 keys, then MGET with this keys, and then DEL.
This series of commands was run 1000 time for each test.

Redis         - 2.4.15 (http://redis.io)
nutcracker    - 0.2.2 (http://github.com/twitter/twemproxy)
RedisSharding - 1.0 (http://github.com/kni/redis-sharding-hs-strict)
twemproxy and RedisSharding used 4 Redis nodes.
Clients, Redis nodes, twemproxy, RedisSharding were run on one computer.
The comparison includes the data for the isolated Redis server.

Average time of executed test scripts:
Client | Mutly Keys | Redis | twemproxy   | RedisSharding
Simple |   No       | 02.72 | 03.93       | 05.69
Event  |   No       | 03.65 | 03.54       | 03.54
Simple |   Yes      | 00.86 | no support* | 01.34
Event  |   Yes      | 00.61 | no support* | 00.75
* - twemproxy supports MSET basing on the hash tag only, while we are interested in proper full support! https://github.com/twitter/twemproxy/issues/51#issuecomment-12257220

And now, let's take the faster client (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hedis):

Keys | Mutly Keys | Redis | twemproxy   | RedisSharding
 10  |   No       | 00.08 | 00.13       | 00.26
 10  |   Yes      | 00.02 | no support* | 00.14
100  |   No       | 00.78 | 01.34       | 02.56
100  |   Yes      | 00.30 | no support* | 00.90 !!!
If you don't have to use Mutly Keys commands, you can choose twemproxy for sharding.
However, if you have an opportunity to use MSET and MGET, it's worth trying RedisSharding.

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